Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

My daughter got into some self tanner. But she only got it in her hair. I was not home at the time it happened and hubby did not think it wad a big deal. Now it has dyed her beautiful blond hair a ugly orange/brown color. Is there anything I can do to make it come out?

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

Yes honey,there is!I have been a stlist for 35 years and I've solved this problem many times.Mix honey,lemon juice,and a drop of orange juice and then wash the hair in the sink starting at the roots and working down to the ends like shampoo.Let it settle in for 5-10 minutes,depending on how much is in her hair.Then wash it out with warm water and voila! Her blonde hair will be as beautiful as before!!!!

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

ouch.. try a little bit of rubbing alchohol. just get a bit on your fingertips and see if it helps it come off thats the idea im thinking.. hope it helps!

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

Give her nice short hair cut and give her a hat.

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

Wait for her hair to grow out and then clip it.

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

you lather scrub rinse and reapeat!

and SCRUB honey SCRUB!

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

Wash her hair. It washes off our skin. Wash it twice if you have to.

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

no just dye your kids hair blonde again

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

soak it in nail polish remover, but wash it out really well before she goes out in the sun because it will bleach it a wierd color

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

i am sure it will come out after a few washes and if you can't wait that long dye it back to it's original color.

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

A lot of times professionals tell people to use a gritty scrub and lemon juice to take out the self tanner. This is tough because it's hair. If anything I would suggest soaking her hair in some lemon juice and then wash it with clarifying shampoo. Self tanner is not permanent so it will rinse out hopefully within a week or so. Good Luck

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

shave it off and let it grow back

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

Read the articles about it.

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

i am sure it will rinse out with time. just keep washing her hair... good luck

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

bring it to a hair salon and theyve got the stuff! dont sweat it..eventually if will wash out

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?

wash it a lot?

no idea never had that happen.

but at least you have a great story when she gets older.

How can i get self tanner out of my kids hair?


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