Friday, June 18, 2010

Scene hair/makeup ?s.?

well i have my hair a coppery brown red with a copperry red orange high lights and then under neath my hair is brownn and i have layerrs and my hair goes right above my shoulder i flat iron every day bc its curly but how do i teasee my hair to make it more scene so its big on topp? andd makeupp? how do i applyy eyeshadow and eyelines btw i want my eyes to look scene with thick eyeliner but i dont want my eyes looking small i want them to look as big as they cann??? and wat about blushh? thankks will choose best questionn!and what color shirts will look good with my hair color and my hair is dull how to make it shiny?thanks byeee!

Scene hair/makeup ?s.?

get a comb and back comb all the bits you want spiked up basically by brushing your hair the other way not the way your ment to.

apple eyeliner on the top of your eyelinds and round the bottom of the eye with liquid eyeliner and put points

pink blush is nice on the cheekbones.

get some shining spray which you can spray on to wet or dry hair.

and to keep your hair in place after back combing it use some good strong hairspray .:)

as for eyeshadow wear bright colours


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