Friday, June 18, 2010

If i dye my hair too many times in one day will new dye not show up ?

i have naturally light brown hair that ive been dying black for about 4 years now i finally decided to go back to my original color yesterday and stripped it then dyed it a light brown. the brown didnt take at all and its a red/blonde/grey/green disaster so ive decided to go back to black. the hair lady said not to dye it for 48 hours or the dye may not take. but a couple of my friends say thats not true %26amp; a couple say it is and i might rly hurt my hair if i dont wait. butttt i have big plans tonight and i rly dont wanna go out to dinner with my hair 9 differnt colors so what should i do?

If i dye my hair too many times in one day will new dye not show up ?

My advice is to call a local "good" salon who has a color specialist, and ask this same question over the phone, or stopping bye the salon and have a professional look your hair over. You can also look on the box of color you bought and there should be a phone number to call, if you have any questions about the color.

Also look up the name brand of color on the web...

Good luck

If i dye my hair too many times in one day will new dye not show up ?

You should wait because your hair might fall out. It's very porous, and your hair is brittle. Why not try a color rinse, it's not that many chemicals in it, and it stays in for like 3-4 washes.

And if you can't wait, spend some $$$ to go to a professional. They'll fix it.

If i dye my hair too many times in one day will new dye not show up ?

forget about having multi-colored hair...

you'll have no hair!

bald is what you'll be if you keep it up with the processing.

you can wait the extra as the hair dresser said. Trust me when I say...don't trust your friends' beauty advice!

Wear a head band or scarf on your head to draw attention away from the color.

If i dye my hair too many times in one day will new dye not show up ?

Obviously, the more colors you mix together, the less it will adhere.

What you are doing is really bad for your hair. You're loading all these chemicals on and it doesn't have time to absorb in the strands.. thats why it's not staying,.

If you have dark hair and want to go light, the only true method is to decolor it, in other words, bleach it.

You need to create a light base color in order to add more colors.

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